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اروع اكواد الماوس الخيالية فى جميع الصفحات من El Sa7er
الرئيسية12أحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولقنوات وراديو الأردن

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العاب المنتدى


 conversation in bank

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الدولة : الأردن
عدد المساهمات : 317
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/12/2009
العمر : 30

conversation in bank Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: conversation in bank   conversation in bank Icon_minitimeالأحد يناير 24, 2010 10:48 pm

في البنك

conversation in bank 651296 conversation in bank 651296 conversation in bank 651296 conversation in bank 651296 conversation in bank 651296

Opening an account

A: Good morning, can I help you
B: Yes, I'd like to open a deposit account.
A: Certainly Sir. Would you like a Silver or a Gold account?
B: What's the difference?
A: You can open a Silver account with just £5. The account comes with a cash card so you can withdraw your money at any time. The Silver account currently pays 5% interest. For the Gold account you need a minimum of £500, and you have to give 14 days notice to withdraw money. The interest rate is 6.5%.
B: I'll go for the Silver account.
A: How much would you like to deposit
B: £500
A: And we'll need two proofs of ID; telephone bill, driving licence, credit card statement etc.
B: I'm sorry, I don't have any of those on me. I'll come back tomorrow.

Applying for a mortgage C: Good morning, I'm the manager, how can I help you
D: We'd like to apply for a mortgage.
C: Have you found a property you're interested in
D: Yes we have.
C: How much would you like to borrow
D: Well, the property is £75,000, but we have a deposit of £25,000
C: So you need a £50,000 loan. Do you have an account with this bank?
D: Yes, we both have accounts here. I've had my account for over fifteen years.
C: How much do you both earn
D: I earn £15,000 pa and my wife earns £12,500.
C: That's fine. Now Would you like to complete this form
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conversation in bank
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